
Friday, October 2, 2015

September PTA Meeting Minutes

Esther Jackson Elementary PTA Board Meeting Minutes

September 15, 2015


Dan MacLagan, Jodi Kaplan, Tara Barooah, Paige Janco, Leslie Greindl, Becky Anderson, Shari Perkins, Valerie Saeed, Karen Weatherspoon, Ginny Lim


Esther Jackson Cafeteria
Next meeting:
October 20th, 7:45am, Esther Jackson, Room TBD
Meeting called to order by Dan MacLagan at 6:35pm

Principal Update – Dan
·         Ms. Cassidy is unable to be here tonight due to an emergency, but she gave a few updates:
o    They have received the funding for FLIP instructor and filled position.
o    The foundation is in for new building.

Old Business
·         Donuts for Dads (Tara) – Had about 200 Dads/Important People attend.  They exceeded the number of volunteers needed - thank you!
·         Back to School Bash (Tara) – She has created notes with planning thoughts and updates that can be used for next year’s event.  Taking in the schedule changes, the building layout and such it should be a very similar set-up.
o    There was a ribbon cutting for the new building with the mayor and leaders from Fulton County Schools on the same day that we did not know about ahead of time.
·         Spirit Nights
o    Sky Zone – 1st Spirit Night had 35 people.  The class with the most participants won a popsicle party.  In this case, there was a tie, so two classes won. 
o    The next one is Thursday the 17th and another popsicle party will be awarded. There will be a table with sign in sheets.
o    Sky Zone’s goal is to have at least 50 participants from a school at a Spirit Night.  We will be holding Sky Zone Spirit nights less frequently in the future (not monthly.)
o    A discussion was held on ways to advertise Spirit Nights in the Martin’s Landing neighborhood since the school is not available. Ginny Lim suggested getting in touch with Lisa DeCarbo and providing poster sized sign boards to put in the permanent signs.
o    Tara announced that Debbra Sparks has agreed to be the Spirit Night Chairperson.

New Business    
·         Dan announced that the next PTA Meeting will be on October 20th at 7:45am. This will be the first morning meeting in an effort to see if some people who can’t come at night may be able to attend in the mornings. Dan will find a room to hold the meeting in since the cafeteria will not be available.
·         Science Expo – Tara announced that Christine Amering has agreed to chair the Science Expo.  Becky has spoken with her and passed along the Science Expo information and files.
·         Family Movie Night/Picnic – Dan let us know that because of a scheduling conflict with the vendor, we can’t hold the event as planned.  It is currently postponed and they are looking into alternate options.
·         Open Positions – There are several Executive Board positions open as well as various chairperson positions.  Two members of the Executive Board are moving and one position was not filled from last year. Dan will be sending out information about the Executive Board positions to the school. If you know anyone who may be interested, please let him know.
o    VP of Fundraising
o    VP of Family Relations
o    Secretary
·         Leslie asked about who gets the e-mails with meeting minutes and communications from the PTA, such as volunteer requests.  E-mails are sent through PT-Avenue, which holds the membership database. Tara answered that the volunteer requests go to all the members. Becky said the meeting minutes only go to the leadership, (Exec Board and Chairs) and Dan said most of the other e-mails go to all the members.  We do not e-mail the entire school unless it comes from Ms. Cassidy.  A suggestion was made to e-mail the minutes to the entire PTA instead of just posting on the PTA blog.  This needs to be considered by the Exec Board and decided on, pros and cons. Pros being that more people might see the minutes and be in the know.  Cons could be that if someone didn’t want them and chose to unsubscribe or mark as spam, they wouldn’t get the volunteer requests or other important messages.
·         Room Parents – Shari Perkins
o    Packets to the Room Parents will go out next week.
o    3 classes are not covered.
·         Leslie asked what we were doing for the fund raiser. A discussion was held on fund raising but no concrete plans were set.
·         Membership Update
o    Membership was at 178 after curriculum night.
·         Volunteer Update
o    75% covered for Donuts for Dads Setup
o    100%+ covered for Donuts for Dads Event
o    66% covered for Vision and Hearing
o    Helen Loiacono is interested in being our Business Partner Chair, but she would like more into.  Dan and Jodi need to speak to her.
o    Tracy Ballot has agreed to take on the Grant’s Committee Chair in place of Becky who is leaving.
·         Treasurer
o    Several people mentioned that they had checks they had paid to the PTA that haven’t been cashed and were wondering when they would be cashed.
o    The 2015-2016 Budget will be out soon for review.  Must be out for a month before voting on in November.
·         Becky suggested having a set of things that certain people, such as Treasurer, Volunteer or Membership chairs report on at each meeting.  For example, the Treasurer might give a report that has opening and closing account balances, what any deposits made were for, etc… Membership chair might give up to date membership totals for staff and family, awards status, etc…
·         The PTA had a cake Becky since this was her last meeting as a thank you.  Cake was served and enjoyed!

Meeting adjourned at 7:50 by Dan

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