
Wednesday, August 17, 2011

We're off to a great start!

Wow...EJE parents have knocked our socks off! So many of you stepped up and volunteered to be room parents on the night of the Open House. For the first time, we have filled every room parent slot before school even started! That's an amazing accomplishment and we couldn't do it without our wonderful parents and volunteers. Thank you for making the Open House such a great night for our children, parents, teachers and administrators. This makes us so excited for a great school year!

If you didn't sign up to be a room parent, no worries! There are going to be plenty of volunteer opportunities throughout the year. The first opportunity is right around the corner...the Back to School Bash is next Friday, August 26th from 5pm-7pm. We will need lots of volunteers to ensure that the event is a success! Stay tuned for more details.